
Bags of dog waste responsible for clogging 3,600 feet of storm drain


CANTON, Mass. — A local neighborhood is drying out after flooding caused by clogged storm drains.

Canton Public Works officials say a massive amount of bags of dog waste started a pipe clog that ran 3,600 feet - the equivalent of 12 football fields!

David Palmer says his garage was nearly two inches under water last month.

"All the drains were overflowing and all the water was coming down onto my property," said Palmer.

The flooding stretched down Dedham Street for blocks.

"It was just like a lake, I mean, it was pretty much just standing water for awhile," said Chris Daly.

Department of Public Works crews were called out to investigate and unearthed the surprising find in the storm drain.

"We started finding the dog poop bags," said Mike Trotta, DPW Superintendent.

Not just one or two, but masses and masses of dog waste in plastic bags, creating a log that stretched 3,600 feet.

"It cost us $8,500 to $9,000. We had to get a special truck that we don't own to come in and help us clean up," said Trotta.

Even dog owners like Daly were disgusted by what they called a lack of responsibility.

"I have a poo sack on me and I dump it in my garbage when I get home. I won't even dump it in someone else's garbage," said Daly.

City officials say flooding aside, the dog waste poses a significant environmental threat to the watershed.

"You’re putting it into a watercourse that now is dumping into places where people are fishing and swimming and boating, it’s untreated," said Trotta.

City officials say it's unlikely they'll be able to track down the person or persons responsible, but they're reminding pet owners to pick up and dispose of the waste in a trash can.