Alligator attacks man wading in river with daughters, suffered severe bite injury

An alligator, similar to one that attacked a Florida man, is pictured here slithering into the water. The man’s sustained a severe injury on his foot, according to a witness.

A Florida man screamed "like a banshee" when he was bitten on the left foot by an alligator in the Peace River in Arcadia this weekend, according to a news report.

Justin Cassell told NBC-2 that he watched as Russell Mendelsohn, 34, waded in the river with his two daughters Sunday afternoon just before he was bitten.

"He screamed like a banshee. He was loud. He threw his little girl out of the water and got everybody out of the water and then he comes walking up and the bottom of his foot is just dangling." Cassell said.

Mendelsohn was taken to a nearby hospital in Arcadia.

Florida Fish & Wildlife officials were contacted about the attack. The called a trapper, who removed a 6-foot, 11-inch gator, which they think was responsible for the attack, according to NBC-2.

Earlier this month, a 10-year-old boy was bitten by an alligator while vacationing in the same area.

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