
A 30-hour odyssey: Alaska Airlines flight from Boston to LA a nightmare for passengers

Passengers on board an Alaska Airlines flight from Boston to Los Angeles ended up stranded until they finally reached their destination over a day later.

More than 100 people aboard from Alaska Airlines flight 1367 were supposed to endure a seven-hour cross-country flight to Los Angeles. However, that seven-hour flight ended up being a 30-hour experience.

Passengers boarded the flight on Saturday evening and then sat on the plane for two hours before they finally took off. Then, about 90 minutes into the flight, there was an electrical issue.

"This was definitely one of the scariest. This had me texting my Mom 'I love you' because I was worried," said Tiffany Devereaux, who was on board the flight.

An electrical smell from the cabin forced the plane to divert to the airport in Buffalo, N.Y.

"Kind of like wires burning," Devereaux said.

Firefighters tried to track down where on board the smell was coming from once they made an emergency landing.

"The lights were flickering throughout the flight. The entertainment system kept going in and out," Devereaux said.

The passengers were forced to spend the night in the Buffalo airport, where some said they weren't given food, and many said they weren't able to sleep.

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On Sunday morning, Alaska Airlines flew the passengers back to Boston, where the passengers’ odyssey had originally begun. There, the plane had to wait 90 minutes for a gate to open up before they arrived back at Logan Airport.

Passengers were rebooked on another flight to Los Angeles for that afternoon, and that flight too experienced trouble when it was delayed an hour.

After finally landing in Los Angeles, some passengers were given even more bad news - some checked bags did not make it on their new flight.

Alaska Airlines issued a statement regarding the ordeal.

"We clearly failed them at several points and we deeply regret the experience that left them stranded for hours without support or communication. That experience is not the Alaska way and does not reflect our values."

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That spokesperson also added that Alaska Airlines is conducting a full review of the situation.

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