If you don't make your bed in the morning, you're not messy; you could be healthier than those who do make sure their sheets are perfectly in place each morning.
y Cox Media Group National Content Desk
By leaving the sheets strewn across the mattress, it allows the 1.5 million house dust mites to die, a new study from Kingston University suggests.
They found the bugs, which are less than a millimeter long, can't live in the warm, dry conditions of an unmade bed, BBC News reported.
But if you make the bed, it leaves it warm and moist since the sheets have a difficult time drying after a night of sleep.
"Something as simple as leaving a bed unmade during the day can remove moisture from the sheets and mattress so the mites will dehydrate and eventually die," Dr. Stephen Pretlove said.
Dust mites can cause asthma and other allergies, BBC News reported.
- See more at: http://www.hits973.com/news/news/national/messy-bed-better-bed-scientists-say/nnc2B/#sthash.5AM2cz7e.dpuf
y Cox Media Group National Content Desk
If you don't make your bed in the morning, you're not messy; you could be healthier than those who do make sure their sheets are perfectly in place each morning.
By leaving the sheets strewn across the mattress, it allows the 1.5 million house dust mites to die, a new study from Kingston University suggests.
They found the bugs, which are less than a millimeter long, can't live in the warm, dry conditions of an unmade bed, BBC News reported.
But if you make the bed, it leaves it warm and moist since the sheets have a difficult time drying after a night of sleep.
"Something as simple as leaving a bed unmade during the day can remove moisture from the sheets and mattress so the mites will dehydrate and eventually die," Dr. Stephen Pretlove said.
Dust mites can cause asthma and other allergies, BBC News reported.
- See more at: http://www.hits973.com/news/news/national/messy-bed-better-bed-scientists-say/nnc2B/#sthash.5AM2cz7e.dpuf