
19 pound lobster caught in Gloucester


GLOUCESTER, Mass. — One lobster had a long run out in the ocean without being caught until this week.

A 19-pound lobster approximately 30 to 50 years old was caught in a dragger in Gloucester and was brought back to shore. The average lobster is 31 for males and 54 for females.

The growth rates vary based on water temperature and food. A 19-pound lobster is genetically more valuable  because they produce eggs,

"They are at the pinnacle of their species," said New England Aquarium's Tony LaCasse.

While a 19-pound lobster is big, it's not giant  by any means, said LaCasse.

In fact, when the Pilgrims arrived, lobsters on average weighed between 40 to 50 pounds.


Fortunately, it's not the end for the giant lobster -- who likely wouldn't taste good anyway. The lobster was donated by the owners of Intershell International and was released back into the water on Friday.