1-year after death of Auburn foster child, the search for answers continues

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AUBURN, Mass. — AUBURN, Mass. -- It's been said time heals all wounds but for David and Diane Coxon, that time has not come.

It's been one year since their granddaughter Avalena died from a suspected heat stroke while in foster care.

“Every day I go down to the cemetery, every day,” Diane said.

Diane says she calls the Worcester County District Attorney's office weekly to check on the progress of the investigation. Unfortunately the updates are always the same.

“They don't know what happened. They haven't got a clue what happened,” she told FOX25.

Avalina lived in an auburn foster home with six other children.

FOX25 obtained a DCF report several months after Ava's death that suggests she may have been left in a hot car by her foster mother Kim Malpass or Malpass' boyfriend Anthony Mallett

However, the report says "neither... provided any reasonable explanation” and what really happened to Ava remains a mystery.

“I want justice, plain ordinary truth, I want justice. There's no way in the world on God’s green earth that that child died in that house there is no way,” David said.

On top of crushing grief, there is growing frustration. David and Diane told FOX25 they will continue do the only thing they can - push hard for answers.

“She was murdered, you don't leave a baby in a hot car. You just don't do it,” Diane said.