
Scarlett Johansson on Woody Allen sex assault allegations: 'I believe him'

Actor Scarlett Johansson defended embattled filmmaker Woody Allen in a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

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The star of three Allen films in the 2000s, the 34-year-old Johansson was asked how she felt about Allen after allegations by his daughter, Dylan Farrow, that he sexually abused her as a child resurfaced with the #MeToo movement.

“I love Woody," she said. “I believe him, and I would work with him anytime.”

The "Marvel" star told THR she visits Allen every chance she gets and said she has had many conversations with him over the accusations.

“I have been very direct with him, and he's very direct with me. He maintains his innocence, and I believe him,” she said.

Johansson said the #MeToo movement “fire up” people and “understandably.”

“Things needed to be stirred up, and so people have a lot of passion and a lot of strong feelings and are angry, and rightfully so. It's an intense time,” she said.

Allen has repeatedly denied the claims, but that hasn’t prevented most of Hollywood from turning against him. He can’t find a distributor for his latest movie and Amazon canceled a 2018 deal with him.