Warning: New phone scam involves the Blue Cross Blue Shield name

If you’re struggling with the cost of health care, wouldn’t it be nice to finally get a break by finding an affordable insurance seller?

Be wary if you get a call promising just that and saying it’s coverage from a big-name insurer like Blue Cross and Blue Shield…

It could be a scam!

Read more: Watch out for these Blue Cross Blue Shield scams

This health insurance pitch is not all it seems

The Attorney General of Nebraska has issued a warning about an outfit called Simple Health that offers health insurance supposedly through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska at below-market prices.

The alleged scammers, believed to be located in Florida, have been working the phones calling Nebraska residents and promising cheap health care policies.

When they get you on the line, they convince you you’re going to get deeply discounted rates. Then they get your personal info and set up monthly recurring transactions on your credit card.

The only problem is those who’ve been taken in this scam say they never receive proof of coverage or insurance cards.

So you’re paying for nothing!

Making matters worse, the scammers reportedly do everything possible to prevent you from canceling and stopping the monthly charges.

As a side note, if you're ever dealing with a legitimate company that continues billing you without authorization after you've canceled their service or product, <a href="http://clark.com/personal-finance-credit/stop-automatic-payments-form-letter/">try sending them this form letter</a>.

The language in the form letter invokes Regulation E — a part of the Federal Reserve's rules governing pre-authorized transfers. If it's a legitimate business you're dealing with, they should stop when they're told they're in non-compliance with federal law.

But back to the scammers…

According to the Attorney General of Nebraska, the criminal players behind Simple Health have cooked up an elaborate ruse with falsified Google and Manta listings that prominently display the BCBS logo and web address. They even use fake physical addresses in Omaha to get unsuspecting consumers to believe they’re legit.

While this particular scam call seems to be limited to Nebraska at this time, it’s not inconceivable that it could cross state lines to elsewhere in the country in the near future. So be on your guard!

If you’re ever contacted by someone allegedly representing an organization who doesn’t seem legit, hang up the phone and visit the organization’s official website by typing the address directly into your URL bar. Then follow the prompts to get in touch with the company. That way you can ensure you’re contacting the real company!

Read more: Top 25 preexisting conditions that could increase your insurance rates

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